Hear The Hunt
Welcome to the #HearTheHunt Podcast , presented by TETRA Hearing™.
Tune in as we talk through all the Soundtracks that make up the TETRA Community, where we are setting the standard in hearing protection while enhancing your experience wherever adventure may take you!

Fist Full of Dirt: Hear the Hunt
This week we are in the camo cave with Dr. Bill Dickinson, co-founder of Tetra. Tetra hearing devices can be programmed to frequencies that pick up Turkeys, Elk, Ducks and other wildlife.

AI Hearing Protection??? (Tetra Hearing) | Ep. 81 | Rogers Podcast
On today's episode of the Rogers Podcast, Pat, Josh, and Chandler sit down with Bill Dickenson from Tetra hearing to discuss why hunters need hearing protection, how Tetra Hearing works and our new partnership with them!

S2 E18 'Opening Day with HEARTLAND WATERFOWL in North Dakota'
This week, we had the opportunity to hop on with Ronnie and Logan of HEARTLAND WATERFOWL.

S2 E17 'Colton Breeding of Gunner Kennels'
This week, we had the opportunity to hop on with Colton Breeding of Gunner Kennels. As the Product Development Engineer, he is the man who solves problems and creates solutions on a daily basis for Man's Best Friend.

S2 E16 'The REVIEWS are In with Adrian with Review This Thing'
This week, we had the opportunity to chat with Adrian with 'REVIEW THIS THING'! In today's age, reviews are the direct information and feedback customers need to make the right buying decisions.

S2 E15 'There is no OFF-SEASON with The Bearded Buck'
This time of year is ALL Gas, No Brake with our friends at The Bearded Buck.

S2 E14 'The WILD Adventures of Tony Smotherman'
Our latest guest on the #HEARTHEHUNT Podcast was our good friend, Tony Smotherman.

S2 E13 'Live the Lifestyle with Wade Skeen of Skeen Gun Dogs and Outfitters'
From DOG TRAINING to OUTFITTING, our good friend WADE SKEEN lives the lifestyle and shares his passion for the OUTDOORS with everyone around him.

S2 E12 ' HEAR 'Em BREAK with Hannah Harens '
The Shooting Sports Community is a fantastic one, from recreational to competitive, all these folks share similar character and the morals that are evident and taught right from the very beginning before they ever toe-the-line.

S2 E11 'Behind the Lens' with TENNENT RICH PHOTOGRAPHY
This week we took Tennent Rich out from 'Behind the Lens' to talk to us about a day in the life as an Outdoor Photographer.

S2 E10 'From Behind the Line' with Coach Sokoll from Michigan State University
Some of the best stories ever told were the one's told in Hunting Camp... so we did EXACTLY that for this episode right from Konway's porch nestled away in Eastern Kentucky!

S2 E8 'Turkey Camp from Konway's Porch'
Some of the best stories ever told were the one's told in Hunting Camp... so we did EXACTLY that for this episode right from Konway's porch nestled away in Eastern Kentucky!

Storytellin' with JASON HART of Mossy Oak®
On this week's episode, we have our good friend Jason Hart on for a little storytelling. Anyone who know's Hart, knows him as a salt-of-the-earth guy that you definitely want in your Turkey Camp.

#HEARTHEHUNT Podcast Season 2 Episode 6 | Dustin Dattilio Art
On the latest episode of the #HEARTHEHUNT Podcast, we got to sit down with our good friend and extremely talented wildlife artist, Dustin Dattilio, to talk about creating memories afield not only by EAR, but also by BRUSH.

#HEARTHEHUNT Podcast Season 2 Episode 5 | Terry Rohm with THE GRIND
This week we had the opportunity to sit down with our good friend, Terry Rohm from The Grind. Anyone who knows Terry can say he is ALL GAS, no brake when it comes to chasing the Wild Turkey!

#HEARTHEHUNT Podcast Season 2 Episode 4 | Talkin' Turkey with CUZ STRICKLAND
This past week we had the opportunity to sit down with special guest, Cuz Strickland with Mossy Oak, at the NWTF 2023 Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

#HEARTHEHUNT Podcast Season 2 Episode 3 | Hero Hunt
This week we had the opportunity to sit down with Larry and Dustin with HERO HUNT. This Veteran and First Responder organization is one we've partnered up with in the past to help those who lay it all on-the-line for us to do what we do!

Share The Hunt, HEAR THE HUNT with Final Draw
Share the Hunt and #HEARTHEHUNT this week with Carson and Lynsey Koury of Final Draw. Join us as we relive their Season afield chasing critters in the SouthEast and throughout their MidWest Rut Tour, provide tips for that new hunter.

#HEARTHEHUNT Podcast Season 2 Episode 1 | 'God Bless Texas'
A new Season of the #HEARTHEHUNT Podcast is officially here! 2023 brings along New Stories from the Field and we wanted to kickstart things with the TETRA Team, as we sit Campfire-Side in the Lonestar State!!

Ep. 11 #HEARTHEHUNT with our friend Mike Tussey
This week's episode, we checked in with good friend Mike Tussey of Apex Ammunition and Osceola Outdoors! From the hills & hollers of Eastern Kentucky, to the jungles of Campeche, Mexico - Mike has done it all...almost.

Tetra Hearing With David Gnewikow
We welcome our newest sponsor of the podcast Tetra Hearing to the show. Tetra provides unmatched quality in hearing protection so that you can hear the hunt for years to come.

Ep. 9 The FACTS about TETRA
Hunting season is in full swing- and so is our busy season! So, to help y'all out, we decided to sit down and answer some questions about our products and what we can do for you!

Episode 8 | 'Catch Up with TETRA'
Hey yall! Long time, no see. We have been off the hook for too long now, so Lucas and I decided to let yall in on what is coming down the pipe for the remainder of the year and a little bit for 2023!

Ep. 7 'Justin Martin, DUCK COMMANDER'
He was one of our first believers and still is to this day. We talk about his passion for ducks, his passion for TETRA, and most importantly his passion for his family and the Lord.

Ep. 6 'Ramsey Russell , GET DUCKS'
This is week's episode, Ramsey let me crash his house in Mississippi for a little bit and talk a little duck huntin'! We talked about everything from his recent trip to Argentina, to his name being brought to the Dutch Parliament floor to ban goose hunting, to some new adventures he's excited about in the near future.

Ep. 5 'Michigan State Shooting Team'
We are back at the SCTP National Championships in Marengo, Ohio! This time, Team TETRA got to sit down with the Michigan State Shooting Team. MSU holds a special place with Team TETRA, not only because it is Dr. Bill's Alma Mater, but they have helped us shape our Clay Target programming.

Ep. 4 'A Behind the Scenes Look Into SCTP Nationals'
Welcome back! After a couple weeks of prep and travel for the SCTP Nationals, the Team sat down with Tom Wondrash of SCTP and Taylor Miotke of ACUI to talk a little shop! We discussed to organization of the event, as well as the new partnership between SCTP and ACUI.

Ep. 3 Story Time w/ Donnie Vincent
Welcome back! This week, we wrangled in Donnie Vincent for a little story time with TETRA Hearing™. Donnie is an incredible hunter, outdoorsman, conservationist and an even better person! We talk about everything from squirrel hunting in Connecticut, Caribou on Adak Island, to Donnie's picture perfect idea of his "Last Hunt". We thoroughly enjoyed sitting down and spending time with him, and we invite you to do the same. Sit back, relax, and enjoy Story Time with Donnie Vincent.

Ep.2 Old West Invitational w/ Adam Sanders, Ray Fulcher, Adam Hood + Jared Mullins
Nashville invades Hulett, WY for the Old West Invitational Turkey Shoot! Zach and Mary at Country Outdoors invited TETRA Hearing™ to join them for this year's invitational with some great company, and for this episode, we sat down with singer/songwriters Adam Sanders, Ray Fulcher, Adam Hood, and Jared Mullins after day 1. We had a little recap night and hashed out our wins, losses, and in-betweeners from that day.

Ep.1 #HEARTHEHUNT Podcast w/ Apex Ammunition™'s Heath Hancock + Andrew Wall
Hey y'all! Welcome to the #HEARTHEHUNT Podcast, brought to you by TETRA Hearing™. We have been talking about doing a podcast for quite some time now, and we finally bit the bullet and went for it. This episode was recorded at the Ducks Unlimited® Expo in Fort Worth, TX this April. Lucas and I sat down with Heath Hancock and Andrew Wall of Apex Ammunition™ and we talked turkeys, shotgun shells, gators, and of course, TETRA.