Brand Guidelines
Welcome to our hub for partner guidelines and assets. We want to make it easy for you to integrate and use TETRA Hearing™ assets while respecting our brand and legal/licensing restrictions.
Note that by using these resources, you accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Logos and Logotype
We are very proud of our logo, and we require that you follow these guidelines to ensure it always looks its best. Our logo is the combination of a simple, modern wordmark with or without the tagline.
Download The Logo & Icon PackageContains all the TETRA logos and icons shown below in .ai, .png, and .jpg formats.
Brand Logo

Vertical TETRA Hearing™ Logo
The preferred use of the TETRA logo.

Horizonal TETRA Hearing™ Logo
Product Logos

Technology Logos

Icons are used to indicate which programs are configured for particular devices.

Exclusion Zone
All logos, marks and icons should have an exclusion zone that no other elements may enter. The approved exclusion zone is half the height of the entire graphic to which it applies.

In this example, positioning for the Guns & Ammo badge is determined by first measuring the height of the logo (64px). Then an exclusion zone of half (32px) is created around the logo. The badge is then placed outside that zone.
Minimum Size
Establishing a minimum size ensures that the impact and legibility of the logo is not compromised in application.
- Vertical Logo: Should not be scaled below 157px wide or 45mm in print.
- Horizontal Logo: Should not be scaled below 157px wide or 45mm in print.

Logo Misuse
It is important that the appearance of the logos remains consistent. TETRA logos should not be misinterpreted, modified, or added to. No attempt should be made to alter the logo in any way. Its orientation, color and composition should remain as indicated in this document. There are no exceptions.
- Do not apply a gradient to the logos or icons.
- Do not rotate the logos or icons.
- Do not change the logo color or tone outside of the TETRA green (see color palette below).
- Do not resolve the logo in two or more colors.
- Do not stretch, distort or warp the logos or icons in any way.
- Do not outline or create a keyline around the logos or outlines.
- Do not change the typeface nor recreate or manipulate TETRA logos or icons.
- Do not size the logo below the minimum size requirements.
Our Color Palette
The TETRA color palette consists of three colors: white, black or TETRA green. TETRA green is the preferred dark color for logos and headlines when used on white backgrounds.
When working with TETRA assets you must adhere to the basic color rules:
- TETRA logos, marks and icons may appear in either TETRA green (preferred) or black when used on white backgrounds.
- TETRA green should not appear over black or dark colors and imagery. In those instances, use white.
- Do not change, alter, or introduce new colors to the TETRA color palette.

R61 G69 B67
C74 M57 Y62 K46

R255 G255 B255
C0 M0 Y0 K0

R25 G20 B20
C0 M0 Y0 K100
Our Fonts
The TETRA font book consists of two primary font families.

Titling Gothic FB Normal Bold
Used for headlines*.
*Roboto bold may be substituted for headlines in instances where Titling Gothic is not available (for instance, when using web fonts).

Roboto Light (300)
Used for body copy.
Use in Text
The brand name TETRA™ should always be written in all caps. When referenced in text, TETRA and its associated tagline and technologies, outlined below, should always carry the trademark symbol (™) in the upper right (superscript) upon the first instance.
AlphaShield Compression™ should always be written as two words, with AlphaShield written as one word. The A, S, and C should be capitalized. Abbreviations are not permitted.
ClearComm™ should always be written as one word, with both Cs capitalized. Abbreviations are not permitted.
Specialized Target Optimization™ should be spelled out as three words with the S, T, and O capitalized. It is appropriate to use the abbreviated form STO in successive instances. It is not necessary to include the trademark on the abbreviated form, STO.
The official tagline of TETRA is Hear the Hunt™, in which the H on "hear" and "hunt" is always capitalized.
Use of Our Content
The content available through this platform is owned by SoundTrack Outdoors. If you use this content, you must comply with the rules set out in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Thank You!
If you have trouble with anything in this guide, are missing brand elements from the brand package, or are unsure if your communication best represents the TETRA brand, please contact us at