TETRA Wins Guns and Ammo Best Technology of the Year

TETRA Wins Guns and Ammo Best Technology of the Year

When Bill and I boarded a plane for Iowa last August, we didn’t really know what to expect. We had spent the last year of our lives pouring everything we had into developing TETRA Hearing™. We had taken our combined lifetime of experience as die-hard hunters and passionate hearing doctors and created what we believed was the best hearing technology for hunters and shooters. Our products were built not just to protect hearing, but to maximize the hearing experience while wearing TETRA in the field and on the range. We were confident but scared to death.

Our destination was the Outdoor Sportsman Group (OSG) writer’s round table, an annual event where outdoor media get to see new products and interact with manufacturers and vendors. TETRA was set to release in September, so this was our world debut. Knowing that we were about to release our dream into the hands and ears of some of the most experienced hunters and shooters on the planet was intimidating to say the least. I remember telling Bill that these guys have probably tried every shooting-hearing product known to man. We were prepared for critical analysis.

As we set up our space at the range that morning, I confess to thinking, “Is anybody even going to come by our booth? After all, how sexy can hearing protection be compared to the latest AR, shotgun, optics, or ammunition?"

I was wrong.

Thank God!

From the time the event opened until well after close, we were inundated by the media quizzing us about our new and very different product line. We outfitted them with our AlphaShields while we talked and answered questions on a live range with constant fire. They wore TETRAs shooting clays, telling stories, and interacting with colleagues, and without exception, were blown away. We heard things like, “Most comfortable. Most natural. Clearest sound. No wind noise. Easiest. Forgot I had them in. I'd buy these today.” Soon people from all over the complex, even other vendors, were surrounding the TETRA booth for a chance to try our technology. I remember at one point looking at Bill and just shaking my head in disbelief.

That day we began to see our dream materializing. TETRA launched in September just in time for waterfowl season and the reception from hunters was equally validating. Of course, we were met with some skepticism, but hearing is believing. Once we got TETRA in the ears of hunters, the great reviews started pouring in. The highest point of our short tenure as a company came last week at The National Shooting Sports Association’s Annual Shot Show in Las Vegas. We were humbled and honored to receive Guns and Ammo Magazine’s award for Best Technology of the Year. Words cannot really express what it means for TETRA to be recognized as the one of the most innovative products in the hunting and shooting world over the past year. I cannot imagine a better way to wrap up TETRA, Chapter One.


So as we wrap up a great waterfowl season, launch into turkey season debuting our AmpPods Series, look forward to sporting clays and scholastic shooting, and start to turn again toward fall hunting, TETRA remains committed to bringing the best hearing technology to the hunting and shooting world. We commit to continue to innovate and develop products that improve hunter’s performance in the field, restore communication, protect hearing, and enhance the hunting experience.  

To our customers, family, business partners, and most of all, God above, Thank you!

Here we go. Chapter Two….


  • William Forehand on

    will insurance cover your hearing aids?


    I am so proud for you guys. It’s obvious you have a winner!

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