
Get your personal hearing profile

Step 1 of 4

TETRA products can be programmed specifically for your hearing profile and favorite pursuits. Enter your email below to set started!

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1 Calibrate your sound levels

All testing should be completed in a silent room.

Get a set of headphones and set up in a quiet room.

Set your volume on the device you are using to 45%. This is the volume our hearing test is calibrated for.

Select a box for each column of the hearing test based on hearing even the faintest sound. Each column represents a different frequency. First page is the right ear and the second page is the left ear. At the end Submit.


If you have trouble hearing the sound of your hands rubbing, the test is already completed; you likely have significant hearing loss. Please contact TETRA Hearing™ customer service and we will gladly walk you through the test procedure for hunters with this level of hearing loss.

2 Listen to the test tones: right ear

This test is for your right ear.

Start by selecting the upper tone in column one. Click the box to hear the tone. The goal is to find the softest tone you can hear every time. Starting from the top row, move down until you hear a tone and select that box. Do this for each column.


Always start with boxes at the top of the column. You will notice the box you click turns darker than the rest. Stop on the box whose tone becomes just audible - not the box above or below. Make sure the correct box is dark before switching to the next column. You should have one dark box per column.

This test is designed to assess left and right ears individually. However, if your computer or headphones are not stereo (separate channels for right and left), you will need to remove the earphone from the opposite ear during the test.

3 Listen to the test tones: left ear

This test is for your left ear.

Start by selecting the upper tone in column one. Click the box to hear the tone. The goal is to find the softest tone you can hear every time. Starting from the top row, move down until you hear a tone and select that box. Do this for each column.


Always start with boxes at the top of the column. You will notice the box you click turns darker than the rest. Stop on the box whose tone becomes just audible - not the box above or below. Make sure the correct box is dark before switching to the next column. You should have one dark box per column.

This test is designed to assess left and right ears individually. However, if your computer or headphones are not stereo (separate channels for right and left), you will need to remove the earphone from the opposite ear during the test.

4 Your results

With this data, TETRA Hearing™ can now complete our fully customized programming for your new TETRA devices. At TETRA, we innovate products that help connect you with your passions.

Results have been emailed to TETRA.

TETRA uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

*Although the test files have been carefully designed, results using this test cannot be considered clinical data. If you are worried about your hearing, we recommend consulting your hearing doctor.