You'll love your new TETRA Hearing™ devices or you'll get your money back. Try them for 30 days, risk free.
Hearing is one of the turkey hunter’s most precious assets. Detecting and locating that distant gobbler can mean the difference in filling your tag or going home empty-handed. TETRA AmpPods were designed by turkey hunters for turkey hunters. TETRA scientists analyzed the acoustical signatures of turkey vocalizations, and using our patent-pending Specialized Target Optimization™ (STO) developed an algorithm to specifically enhance gobbles, clucks and purrs. AmpPods will help you not only hear that gobbler from further away, but judge the distance, and better pinpoint his location while reducing unwanted sounds and noise. The 90-level devices also include our ClearComm™ setting for everyday wear and conversation. Years of hunting and noise exposure can cause hearing loss and take away our edge in the woods. Get your edge back with TETRA AmpPods.